Simple Mart
A environmentally friendly and social responsible market.
Healthy life is Simple life
The idea of Simple Mart bases on healthy and environmentally friendly life style. Simple Mart works with the local farmers who provide only organic food and educates the consumers the concept of sustainable agriculture. To achieve the goal of minimized-paper environment, it uses recycled paper bags and avoids any over packages. In addition, it uses electronic displays system for all products. Simple Mark installs a café bar at the entrance to create strong odor sensation, it chooses at the same time to present the original form and smell of natural food as it should be with unpack vegetable, fruit and grains. The perception of real five senses is the simplest way to go back to nature.

Simple life is environmentally friendly life
The core value of brand is environment friendly. The green wall, solar panels, LED lights, recycled materials, nature cider wood, plywood are used to make consumer just like in nature. Cider wood, concrete floor, rustic iron shelves and moss-iron-decorated logo wall make the interior of Market original and with character.
Simple Mart is what touches your heart and make you desire to retune a simple life.
Material applied:
- 綠牆:城市綠化、淨化空氣、調節微氣候
- 太陽能板:節能省電、綠能環保
- 無加工天然杉木板:環保木材、無甲醛、自然木質氣息
- 鍍鋅鐵件:無烤漆鍍鋅鐵件、可回收材料
- 水泥硬化拋光地坪:低度裝修、低度維護
- 手繪黑板、電子標籤:無紙化商店,質樸手感
- Green Wall: to make the city green, purify the air, and adjust the microclimate.
- Photovoltaic panel: produce renewable energy.
- Natural cider wood: environmentally sustainable material, it contains no formaldehyde and smells the nature wood.
- Galvanized metal: not lacquer and recyclable.
- Polished concrete floor: natural concrete polished surface and low maintain.
- Blackboard: paperless environment, rustic touching feel.