A regeneration project for a 60-year-old former-cosmetics factory. The abandoned factory has been given a new purpose and transformed into a coworking/culture/life/aesthetics site. The multi-function coworking spaces deliver commercial products, exhibitions, markets, and educational programs, attracting visitors to experience the old building’s timeless charm in various ways. It also creates an aesthetic commercial site and nurtures local travel destinations.
建物是台灣首間化妝品公司「盛香堂」 早期的生產工廠,隨生產基地移轉,建物逐漸衰敗。透過老工廠重生計劃,將工廠改造為適合工作與品味生活的場所,基於舊城區的都市紋理及歷史風味,不仰賴新進的商業建築建設帶入人潮,而是從老建物這項珍貴優勢著手,憑藉舊建物再生,啟動對舊城區的影響力,帶來更多關注與停留。
The building used to house the factory of Shen Hsiang Tang, Taiwan’s first cosmetics company, and was abandoned after the relocation of the production line. The factory underwent a regeneration project and was transformed into a work and aesthetic site. To Adapt to the old downtown’s history, instead of building a commercial facility, the original building was preserved and renovated into a priceless asset to regain the attention and influence on the area it once held.
The purpose of the project is to create a gathering place for aesthetic lifestyle, and culture and creative industries.
Entrances facing the roads on both sides of the building guide visitors down two routes in the shape of a cross that converges in the courtyard.
Studios are installed with display windows and separate entrances along the main routes so business owners can interact with passers-by, while some studios have exits onto adjacent roads, allowing them to attract traffic from both sides and functioning as street-front stores.
The renovation has maintained and adapted to the original doors, windows, railings, and stairwells in order to capture the aesthetic landscape of the old building and street. A building/brand history showcase zone has been integrated into the route and the space, based on the experience design idea, actively preserving the collective memories of the locals and implementing experience economics in the old downtown.
Condensing the co-living idea of street culture into one building, the studios are encouraged to develop their own unique interior styles to promote the economics of agglomeration, forming an organic and mutually beneficial culture and creative industry community.
To achieve sustainable operation, commercial and work spaces are integrated to meet the diverse needs of small-scale culture and creative business with regards to creating, selling, holding workshops, and so on.
Neighboring the old railway and the town central redesign sites, this NGO-initiated regeneration project integrates both sides of the railway as a step to complete the old downtown’s heritage map.
Government programs and resources are utilized to create an energetic, new tourist destination in the old downtown. Instead of focusing on a single highlight, the whole neighborhood is revitalized and improved, realizing greater social benefit through building regeneration projects.
榮耀Glory Record
本案榮獲2023年德國紅點設計獎、日本GOOD DESIGNAWARD、台灣金點設計等國內外設計獎項肯定。
Fusion Space 1962 has won domestic and foreign design awards, Red Dot Design Award 2023 and GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2023 and Golden Pin Design Award 2023… etc.